Prices current as of 01/31/2025
To receive the monthly price - lessons need to be paid by 10th of each month. Monthly pricing is for 4 lessons. Private $80/ea or $300/mo Semi-Private $70/ea or $260/mo Young Riders (6 and younger) $60 (45 min lesson) 30 minute lesson $45 Lessons are taught Tuesday -Friday at from 2pm on and Saturday / Sunday from 9am-4pm when we are not at shows. To schedule a lesson please text our head instructor Marianne England at 615-605-7153 and she will help get you on the schedule. We use Hopoti for all our lesson scheduling and payments www.hopoti.com ***Please note: LFF does not schedule 'one-time for fun' rides or do pony rides*** |
Other Services
Boarding $750* subject to change
Stall board only
Pinnacle Feeds, hay, water, stall cleaning, turnout and blanketing provided.
Alfalfa cubes fed 2x daily: $75 additional per month
Rice Bran supplement: $50 additional per month
Half-Leasing & Lesson Package $475/mo
2-3 days a week, all tack included. Includes 4 lessons a month. Lessons can be private or group
Half-Lease with 2 lessons a week- $650mo
Half-Leases are for 1/person per horse
Horse showing
Please inquire for pricing
Lucky Fox Farm Gear
T Shirts- $25
Polo Shirts-$25
Hats- $20
Jacket- $70
Vest- $50
To inquire about boarding or half-leasing text Marianne England at 615-605-7153
Leasing is on-site only and riders must commit to our program
Stall board only
Pinnacle Feeds, hay, water, stall cleaning, turnout and blanketing provided.
Alfalfa cubes fed 2x daily: $75 additional per month
Rice Bran supplement: $50 additional per month
Half-Leasing & Lesson Package $475/mo
2-3 days a week, all tack included. Includes 4 lessons a month. Lessons can be private or group
Half-Lease with 2 lessons a week- $650mo
Half-Leases are for 1/person per horse
Horse showing
Please inquire for pricing
Lucky Fox Farm Gear
T Shirts- $25
Polo Shirts-$25
Hats- $20
Jacket- $70
Vest- $50
To inquire about boarding or half-leasing text Marianne England at 615-605-7153
Leasing is on-site only and riders must commit to our program